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Liz plays
Emily Warren Roebling
in Episodes 205 & 207

Reel Coming Soon...

The Gilded Age

New Amsterdam

Reel Clips...

From "All Souls"

From "You Look Amazing"

From "3 Days" (Horror short)

From "The Assistant"

Commercial for Scandinavian Airlines

Paulina Noble interview in These Paper Bullets at Atlantic Theater Company

Some Speaking...

Here is my voiceover reel.
Imagine me selling your product.
Now imagine me reading your book.
Pretty good, huh?
Voiceover Sample - Liz Wisan
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VO Narration from "3 Days"

Some Singing...

Here are two songs I sang as Feste in TWELFTH NIGHT at Williamstown Theatre Festival. 
Music and guitar by Ben Steinfeld.
Oh Mistress Mine - Liz Wisan/Ben Steinfeld
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Come Away Death - Liz Wisan/Ben Steinfeld
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Here is a song I sang as The Actress in LA RONDE at The Yale School of Drama.

Lyrics by Rainer Maria Rilke.

Music by Nathan A. Roberts.

The Actress Sings Her Song - Liz Wisan
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Watch 3 Days on ALTER!

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